Reading Goals for 2017

Sunday, January 1, 2017

As we usher in a new year I cant help but reflect back on all the goals I set for myself at the start of the last year. True, I didnt work out every single day, I didnt wash my makeup brushes every other day, frankly 2016 sucked and there was alot that didnt go to plan. Still some things worked out, like my goodreads challenge and starting my bookstagram. So now I want to run through my plans for being a better reader in the year to come.

The Goals-

1) A new Goodreads challenge- I want to keep the same goal for number of books because I feel like its a good solid goal. 52 books, which means that theres about a book a week, giving some flexibility to reading. Some weeks maybe im super fast at reading, other weeks would be way slower or dedicated to binging like five seasons of any given show on Netflix. So its a good solid plan I hope and fingers crossed I can accomplish this goal again.

2) #DiversityBingo2016- I found this prompt on twitter and then found the video by Thesebooklions over on youtube. Basically they created a bingo sheet (Which ill include below if anyone want to see the prompts) with different suggestions for diverse books to read throughout the year. Its my hope to do at least half but im going to try for all of them, which if I manage will make over half of my reads this year diverse ones!

3) Reviews- I want to do more book reviews, and I have a new format that I hope to try for these though it might take some time to get them up and running. Still I really want to do more reviews, here in the new format and over on goodreads.

I know these might not seem revolutionary to most but they arent the easiest of goals for me, the girl with the gold fish memory. So im very hopeful I can work to accomplish some of these goals in 2017. Do you guys have any goals your anxious to tackle this year?


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