Insurgents MC Series, By Chiah Wilder, Review!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

There is something so satisfying about finding a new author. Some indie writer who is self publishing or trying hard to push their work through into the main stream. Its like the Cinderella story for modern book lovers. Handsome princes are for in the books, and really making it is getting those new works out to the world. So when in my Goodreads suggestions is came across the name Chiah Wilder I didn't know what to expect. I also didnt hesitate to download her books to my kindle. From what i can gather she self publishes through Amazon and all three of her books released within the last year! So knowing I was faced with this hard working woman telling stories about sexy bikers I was all in to try the Insurgents MC Series.

The premise of the books are simple. You get a peek into the lives of the men that are apart of the Insurgents Motorcycle Club, which is in Colorado. Each book follows a different brother and the women he wants or who wants him. There is always some legit and sometimes scary outside force that tries to swoop in and ruing their good time and there is loads of action and lots and lots of sexy time!

Now we all know when I do reviews I dont give spoilers. I hate being spoiled and I refuse to do that to you guys. But I will talk over some of the things I love and dont so much like about the series.

Firstly the premise is one That i love. I rarely give bad ratings on books because i will DNF (Do not finish) a book if i really am not feeling the pull to read. If the pull is there then its already a 2.5 our of 5 stars for me. Simply because im not looking for Shakespeare. I want to be entertained and men on motorcycles entertains me in ways you could not imagine. So this series in a win for me in that respect.

Next each of the characters are real. True, sometimes I feel like the men can come across a little one dementional, but in truth thats gotten better in each book. But some stunted dialog aside I believe these are people. With real problems. Crappy to be sure, and sometimes off the wall, but people in real life deal with weird awkward horrible things everyday and their emotional responses to these hardships make the characters real. You have people who work for a living, different body types, discussion on slut shaming. It really does feel like a peek into someones real world.

The downsides. Like I mentioned before sometimes the way a character will speak comes across as generic, though this problem has gotten better in each book and you can see and feel it in the way the story reads, there is much more flow which is amazing. In the earlier books its much more obvious, but the flow is so much better and really worth pushing through.

This is the next book in the series, and it was released two days ago. You can read more about it here. I have kindle unlimited so i can read it for free (Authors on unlimited still do make money if you read their books) but if you dont its currently up for a steal at $0.99 so totally affordable.

All in all this series is one that im always excited to get the next installment of. And id recommend it to anyone who likes quick reads about strong women and bad ass men who just so happen to be bikers. This series for me is a 3.5/5 stars!


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